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Space Heaters: Top 5 Reasons This Heating Alternative Is A Bad Idea!

Space Heaters: Top 5 Reasons This Heating Alternative Is A Bad Idea!

We’ve all been there; the heating system goes out and you just don’t want to fork over the money to have someone come take a look at it and try to fix the issue. So you choose a quick fix instead. You run to Target, find their most “medium expensive” space heater and stock up. One for each room that you frequent, should about do it!

You’re feeling pretty accomplished at this point. Sure, you might not have solved the bigger problem, but you certainly put it off for a while, that’ll save some money, right? Well actually, this is wrong. Not only is it inefficient, but it can be a potential danger to you and your home! Here are the top five reasons that choosing this heating alternative is a bad idea!

#1. Higher Electricity Bills: When you invest in heating your home with portable heaters, you feel like you’re saving money because you’re not jacking up your home’s heating system all day. In some ways, this is true. You don’t have your HVAC turned on so you’re saving money there…but did you consider the extra energy it takes to plug in enough space heaters to heat your home the way a normal heating system would? You can bet that with a space heater in every room, your electrical bill will skyrocket!

#2. Potential For Bodily Injury: How many of us have cuddled up to a space heater only to fall asleep and awaken to the sharp pain of your arm against the grates of the portable heating machine! Space heaters are known to cause burns on adults and children alike. Because of their immediate heat, it’s natural for us to want to get up close and personal, but this is a safety issue for anyone trying to avoid third degree burns over the winter!

#3. Space Heaters Never Do The Job: If you’re trying to replace your home’s heating system by using a space heater, it’s just not going to cut it. Although it might make one part of a room warmer, often times portable heaters don’t have much of an impact on open areas like a living room, or any place with high ceilings and big windows. The bottom line is, if you want your home to be a consistently comfortable temperature, a space heater is not the answer.

#4. Highly Flammable: When you have space heaters in every corner, you need to constantly be on the lookout for drapes, rugs or blankets that might get close or be thrown over the heater. Since most space heaters project a high volume of concentrated heat, they’re highly flammable, especially when they’ve been in contact with fabric for a long period of time. If you’ve got a portable heater, keep it far from flammable materials!

#5. Staggering Statistics: Space heaters account for one-third of all home heating fires each year, and more than 80% of home heating fire deaths! Those are tragic numbers that can all be avoided by taking precautions and choosing to use space heaters only for the supplemental heat they are intended for.

Avoiding a heating system check up is not a proper solution to your cold house! Give F.H. Furr a call, we can help you discover your home’s heating issue, while offering helpful tips, advice, and options on what steps you can take to be sure your home is protected from the cold! Stay safe and warm this winter!

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